Beer Grid - Hops Grid - Style Grid - Yeast Grid - Competition Grid - Hops Inventory

24 Hour Mild

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:23
Style:Mild Ale
Brew Date:15 May 2010
Original Gravity:1.028 (7.07 °Plato)
Final Gravity:1.003 (0.77 °Plato)
Calories per pint:119
Estimated IBU (Rager):11.7
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):12.2
Mash Temperature:152°
Mash Efficiency:86%
Days in Primary:6 (into secondary on 21 May 2010)
Days in Secondary:6 (kegged on 27 May 2010)
Yeast Used:1028 London Ale
Apparent Attenuation:89%
Real Attenuation:73%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 22 July 2010)
Availability:56 days

5 lb 2-row pale malt
4 oz Crystal 60°
4 oz chocolate malt

3 AAU (17g @ 5% AA) East Kent Goldings @ 60
1 AAU (6g @ 5% AA) East Kent Goldings @ 15

Whirlfloc tablet @ 15 min

Wyeast 1028 - London Ale
General Notes:

Dark mild ale.
Tasting Notes:

Reviewed 6/16/2010. Poured from slightly chilled keg directly into a tulip.

Appearance: dark, rich yet translucent brown color with a little bit of haze. Some light reddish hints display themselves when held up to the light. Head is a thin finger of light ivory foam which dissipated rather rapidly. I like the color but the head could use some work. (3.5)

Smell: nutty, slightly chocolatey and ever so slightly biscuity. It's a bit light, but then that was the style I was going for with this beer. I really rather like it. (4)

Taste: some nice caramel and slight biscuit flavors. What little chocolate was in the aroma is completely absent from the flavor. Hops are quite mild but really contribute a nice light bitterness and complement the malt quite well. Overall, the flavor is really quite light, but that is the style; I'd say it's a pretty well-composed brew. (3.5)

Mouthfeel: pretty light body due to the very low gravity, but the medium-low level of carbonation really works here. I think it's not too bad, especially considering the style. (3.5)

Drinkability: quite highly drinkable. At 3.3%, this beer can be drunk for hours with little ill effect. I drank 24 12-oz servings of this while doing the 24-24-24 in 24 challenge a couple of weeks ago and found it to be just the right strength for that endeavor. Really just a nice session beer that doesn't fall into the traditional wheat beer or lager session categories. (4.5)

Overall score 3.7 (B). I think with a little bit better kegging procedure and technology (i.e., a kegerator), I could bring this beer to its full potential. This beer served its purpose in an exemplary fashion; I'm glad I decided to do the 24-24-24 challenge, as otherwise I doubt I would have ventured into this particular style. This might be something I'll want to keep on tap regularly when I've got my home bar put together.
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
East Kent Goldings 60 3.00 5.0 17 Whole 10.3 10.5  
East Kent Goldings 15 1.00 5.0 6 Whole 1.4 1.7