Vital Statistics:
Recipe: 12.5 lb 2-row pale malt 8 oz crystal 60° 4 oz chocolate malt 4 oz roasted barley 3 oz cara-pils 5 AAU (26g @ 5.4% AA) Cascade @ 60 min 5 AAU (26g @ 5.4% AA) Cascade @ 20 min 6.6 AAU (34g @ 5.4% AA) Cascade @ 5 min 14.2 AAU (28g @ 14.2% AA) Citra @ 5 min 3.2 AAU (28g @ 3.2% AA) Tettnanger @ 5 min Wyeast 1214 - Belgian Abbey | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
General Notes: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tasting Notes: Tasting notes taken 7 January 2012, 19 days after kegging. Dispensed from tap into a tulip glass. Appearance: rich, hazy brown hue with amber-ruby highlights when held up to the light. Head poured two thick fingers of pillowy tan foam, and head retention is pretty good. There's a nice lacing on the glass as well. (4) Smell: biscuity, bready malt aroma with hints of chocolate. I'd prefer a darker, fruitier nose; while the breadiness is stylistically accurate it's not my favorite trait of a dubbel. (3.5) Taste: biscuity, bready and ever so slightly tart. A lightly citrusy/funky hop character is present, but it is pretty far back in the flavor; bitterness is pretty high, though, for a dubbel. Personally, I think that works out well, though it is not terribly true to style. (3.5) Mouthfeel: medium-light body with a good level of carbonation. Creaminess is pretty decent, if not perfect. I used cara-pils, so maybe mashing a little higher would be called for. (4) Drinkability: well, the biscuit/bread kind of kills this a little for me. It's highly quaffable for a 6.3% brew, but I don't think I'll be slamming a lot of these down anytime soon. (3.5) Overall score 3.65 (B). This is a mostly successful beer from a stylistic standpoint; it's unambiguously a dubbel. I would have preferred more fruity yeast character and less biscuit/bread, though the latter is also part of a dubbel's palate. The next time I do a dubbel I'll probably use a little dark sugar and mash a lot higher -- like 156 or 158. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hops Table