Beer Grid - Hops Grid - Style Grid - Yeast Grid - Competition Grid - Hops Inventory

Hot! Honey Blonde

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:66
Style:Blonde Ale
Brew Date:20 October 2012
Original Gravity:1.045 (11.20 °Plato)
Final Gravity:1.004 (1.03 °Plato)
Calories per pint:191
Estimated IBU (Rager):21.7
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):21.5
Mash Temperature:150°
Mash Efficiency:88%
Days in Primary:110  
Days in Secondary:0 (kegged on 7 February 2013)
Ferm. Temp. Notes:68-70°
Yeast Used:1007 German Ale
Apparent Attenuation:91%
Real Attenuation:74%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 7 March 2013)
Availability:28 days

6 lb 2-row pale malt

1 lb, 7⅜ oz blackberry honey, added at about 10 minutes

4 AAU (8g @ 14.2% AA) Citra @ 60
5.5 AAU (14g @ 11% AA) Centennial @ 5
7.1 AAU (14g @ 14.2% AA) Citra @ 5

Whirlfloc tablet @ 15

Wyeast 1007 - German Ale
General Notes:

Tasting Notes:

Tasting notes taken 25 February 2013, 18 days after kegging. Dispensed from tap into a glass mug.

Appearance: lightly hazy golden-yellow hue with a moderate effervescence and two fingers of white foam head upon pouring. The head has pretty bad retention, unfortunately; there is a little bit of white lace left on the glass, though. Color is stylistically accurate, but the head is just not great. (3.5)

Smell: aroma starts off with a light, acidic tartness; I then get a distinct honey character. Hops add a lightly fruity note of pear and citrus. There is an interesting almost-too-sweet aroma, although I know this beer to be super dry. Perhaps that is just the honey character at work? Overall I like it, but the tartness is just a little bit unwelcome. (3.75)

Taste: malt has a nice balance between maltiness and raw graininess. The honey is not as pronounced in the flavor as in the aroma, although that light fruitiness persists. As a blond ale, I quite like it, although overall its flavors are subtle. (3.75)

Mouthfeel: light body with a good carbonation and a light but enjoyable creaminess. Could use a little more body; in the future I will try and mash higher. (3.75)

Drinkability: this is a pretty highly drinkable beer; its ABV is high in the session range but it doesn't taste particularly alcoholic. The flavor and aroma aren't perfect, though, so that brings down drinkability a hair. (3.75)

Overall score 3.70 (B). This was a good experiment; I got a lot more honey character in this one than I could discern in the Honey Saison. I think in the future I'll just have to be careful about the cleanliness and daintyness of the flavor in any brew in which honey plays a major role. This beer also is piquing my interest in doing some kind of honey hefeweizen.
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
Citra 60 4.00 14.2 8 Whole 13.6 13.2  
Centennial 5 5.50 11.0 14 Whole 3.5 3.6  
Citra 5 7.10 14.2 14 Whole 4.6 4.7