Beer Grid - Hops Grid - Style Grid - Yeast Grid - Competition Grid - Hops Inventory

Tyo's Tripel

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:88
Brew Date:27 July 2014
Original Gravity:1.070 (17.06 °Plato)
Final Gravity:0.998 (-0.52 °Plato)
Calories per pint:291
Estimated IBU (Rager):28.0
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):20.0
Mash Temperature:152°
Mash Efficiency:66%
Days in Primary:228  
Days in Secondary:0 (kegged on 12 March 2015)
Ferm. Temp. Notes:77-82°
Yeast Used:1214 Belgian Abbey
Apparent Attenuation:103%
Real Attenuation:84%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 11 January 2017)
Availability:671 days

12 lb European Pilsner malt

2 lb granulated white sugar, added with about 20 minutes left in the boil

6 AAU (32g @ 5.2% AA) Willamette @ 60
2 AAU (11g @ 5.2% AA) Willamette @ 20
2 AAU (11g @ 5.2% AA) Willamette @ 5

Wyeast 1214 - Belgian Abbey
General Notes:

Used yeast cake from batch #86.

Availability was truncated because at some point in the last few weeks, the "out" keg post failed and vomited bad tripel all over the kegerator.
Tasting Notes:

Tasting notes taken 16 April 2015, 35 days after kegging. Dispensed from kegerator into a tulip.

Appearance: light yellow-golden hue with a touch of haze and a lazy effervescence. Head is a thick finger of creamy white foam with a few bits of lace left on the glass. A somewhat cleaner yellow or perhaps a little more haze might be nice here, but overall it's not too bad. (3.75)

Smell: lightly sweet malt, along with a little bit of booze and a definite phenolic whiff. Frankly, it's got a little bit of a band-aid thing going on. Maybe not the worst if phenol was the intention, but in this case it's not at all what I was going for. It's not terribly off-putting, just not what I was trying to accomplish. (3)

Taste: there's a little more sweetness here with a hint of booze and that definite phenolic element. Sadly I think 7 months in the primary, combined with poor mash efficiency and too much sugar, resulted in a bit of a failure. Not the worst beer I've made, but definitely in the lower echelon. (3)

Mouthfeel: medium body, which is surprising considering the massive attenuation. Good carbonation yields a pretty good mouthfeel; I could have done a lot worse here. (3.75)

Drinkability: well, it's not a great tripel, but it is a beer which can be consumed without making a face. Is that really the bar I've set for myself? Good grief. (3)

Overall score 3.23 (C+). This beer fared far, far worse than batch 89 which suffered similar mistreatment. Between efficiency, sugar choice and mishandling, I was expecting this to be pretty bad. It's definitely ruined from a "I want to make a good tripel" standpoint, but from a "this is free beer" standpoint, it basically works.

Also, this is another good data point establishing the tripel as my most inconsistent style. Yay?
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
Willamette 60 6.00 5.2 32 Pellet 22.7 15.8  
Willamette 20 2.00 5.2 11 Pellet 3.9 3.2  
Willamette 5 2.00 5.2 11 Pellet 1.4 1.0