Beer Grid - Hops Grid - Style Grid - Yeast Grid - Competition Grid - Hops Inventory

London Brown

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:94
Style:Brown Ale
Brew Date:20 February 2017
Original Gravity:1.043 (10.72 °Plato)
Final Gravity:1.013 (3.32 °Plato)
Calories per pint:189
Estimated IBU (Rager):25.9
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):20.1
Mash Temperature:150°
Mash Efficiency:77%
Days in Primary:27  
Days in Secondary:0 (kegged on 19 March 2017)
Ferm. Temp. Notes:63-66°
Yeast Used:1968 London ESB
Apparent Attenuation:70%
Real Attenuation:57%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 27 April 2017)
Availability:39 days

6 lb Maris Otter
8 oz Crystal 60°
8 oz wheat malt
2 oz black patent malt
2 oz English chocolate malt

8 oz lactose added @ 15

6 AAU (32g @ 5.2% AA) Willamette @ 60

Wyeast 1968 - London ESB
General Notes:

First beer brewed using lactose.
Tasting Notes:

Tasting notes taken 25 April 2017, 37 days after kegging. Dispensed from picnic tap into a dimpled mug.

Appearance: rich, ruddy brown with just a tiny dash of haze; the body is mostly clear and I love it. The head poured about a finger of frothy tan foam; this has since dissipated, but given my refrigeration issues right now I am quite satisfied. (4)

Smell: a little bit sweet; nutty, caramelly and biscuity, but not in a bad way. To me, this is what a brown ale should smell like. Again, serving temperature is a little warmer than I'd normally have, but I think it's good nonetheless. (4)

Taste: sweet up front with a drier malty center; bitterness is low but the hops are just enough to complement the rest of the flavor quite well. It's a middle-of-the-road brown, but for that I think it turned out darn well. (4)

Mouthfeel: medium-rich body with a decent carbonation and a surprisingly good creaminess. Given my room-temperature forced carbonation, I am extremely optimisitc about the use of lactose in the future. The mouthfeel turned out damn good, and I barely gave it half a chance. (4)

Drinkability: this is a massively drinkable beer. The sweetness draws me in, and the balanced finish keeps me coming back for more. Definitely one of my best beers. (4.25)

Overall score 4.03 (A-). My track record for making brown ales that I happen to really like continues. Refrigerating and carbonating this properly could have yielded even better results. The big winner of this experiment was the lactose -- I think it's going to factor huge in the future of my brewing.

I am taking about half of this batch to work for our ATG brewers' night. I'm hoping people like it!
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
Willamette 60 6.00 5.2 32 Pellet 25.9 20.1