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Mulligan IPA

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:32
Brew Date:21 November 2010
Original Gravity:1.046 (11.43 °Plato)
Final Gravity:1.007 (1.80 °Plato)
Calories per pint:197
Estimated IBU (Rager):226.3
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):184.4
Mash Temperature:150°
Mash Efficiency:68%
Days in Primary:56  
Days in Secondary:0 (kegged on 16 January 2011)
Ferm. Temp. Notes:59-60°
Yeast Used:1272 American Ale II
Apparent Attenuation:85%
Real Attenuation:69%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 8 February 2011)
Availability:23 days

9 lb 2-row pale malt
12 oz Victory malt
8 oz Cara-Pils

42.25 AAU (91g @ 13% AA) Nugget @ 60
13 AAU (28g @ 13% AA) Nugget @ 20
5 AAU (28g @ 5% AA) East Kent Goldings @ 20
6 AAU (34g @ 5% AA) East Kent Goldings @ 10
6 AAU (34g @ 5% AA) East Kent Goldings @ 5
13 AAU (28g @ 13% AA) Nugget @ 0 (flame-out)

Whirlfloc tablet @ 15

Wyeast 1272 - American Ale II
General Notes:

Tasting Notes:

Tasting notes taken 28 January 2011. Poured from keg into a mug using my new chrome tap.

Appearance: murky yellow-orange with two fingers of creamy, tenacious foam. The combination of cara-pils and the new tap system make for a very attractive, inviting head. Just about as good as an IPA of this nature is going to get. (4)

Smell: nice citrusy, piney and even slightly spicy hops. Not a whole lot of maltiness in this one -- perhaps it is just blown out by the extremity of the hop content. Still, for what it is, I can't ask for a whole lot more. One thing to note, though, is that the EKGs are basically lost in this beer; it is extremely reminiscent of my Nugget-only IPA. (4)

Taste: green, citrusy flavor with a finish of extreme, cumulative bitterness. There is enough sweetness to help counter the bitterness, but like Nugget IPA before it, the hop flavors are not well-rounded. Since the EKGs are mostly lost, it is just more verification that Nugget cannot carry a beer by itself. Still, it's not too bad overall. Surprisingly, there is not a lot of vegetal aftertaste that I get sometimes. (3.5)

Mouthfeel: medium body with a very good creaminess. Quite comparable to Nugget IPA, although I think probably it's a little bit richer. I am going to have to experiment more with cara-pils and related malts to see if I can get this kind of consistency again in the future. (4)

Drinkability: this beer is basically Nugget IPA Round 2, and the comments made there are still true here: rough around the edges, but with a plucky attitude. Bitterness is a little bit higher, which neither hurts nor really helps drinkability. I can quaff plenty of this over a night, though, especially at its totally-sessionable 5.1% ABV. (4)

Overall rating 3.8 (B+). Right in the neighborhood of the rest of my IPAs. Again like Nugget, I sampled this one pretty early in its lifespan -- only 12 days in the keg. This is both so the hops don't have too much of a chance to deteriorate, and because I don't think this one's going to last very long. I think in the future I'm going to have to start experimenting with more thought-out blends of hops. I think I'm really getting a standard malt bill for IPA put together, though.
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
Nugget 60 42.25 13.0 91 Pellet 179.5 137.8  
Nugget 20 13.00 13.0 28 Pellet 28.1 25.7  
East Kent Goldings 20 5.00 5.0 28 Whole 8.7 9.9  
East Kent Goldings 10 6.00 5.0 34 Whole 6.2 7.1  
East Kent Goldings 5 6.00 5.0 34 Whole 3.8 3.9  
Nugget 0 13.00 13.0 28 Pellet 0.0 0.0 Flame-out.