Beer Grid - Hops Grid - Style Grid - Yeast Grid - Competition Grid - Hops Inventory

Five Seas IPA

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:45
Brew Date:15 May 2011
Original Gravity:1.064 (15.67 °Plato)
Final Gravity:1.008 (2.05 °Plato)
Calories per pint:273
Estimated IBU (Rager):122.3
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):97.8
Mash Temperature:148°
Mash Efficiency:69%
Days in Primary:44  
Days in Secondary:0 (kegged on 28 June 2011)
Ferm. Temp. Notes:64-68°
Yeast Used:1272 American Ale II
Apparent Attenuation:88%
Real Attenuation:71%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 20 August 2011)
Availability:53 days

13 lb 2-row pale malt
1.25 lb Victory malt
1 lb Cara-Pils

22 AAU (42g @ 14.5% AA) Columbus @ 90
4 AAU (21g @ 5.4% AA) Cascade @ 20
4 AAU (8g @ 14.2% AA) Citra @ 20
4 AAU (10g @ 11% AA) Centennial @ 20
4 AAU (20g @ 5.6% AA) Challenger @ 10
4 AAU (8g @ 14.5% AA) Columbus @ 10
4 AAU (21g @ 5.4% AA) Cascade @ 5
4 AAU (8g @ 14.2% AA) Citra @ 5
4 AAU (10g @ 11% AA) Centennial @ 0 (flame-out)
4 AAU (20g @ 5.6% AA) Challenger @ 0 (flame-out)
7.25 AAU (14g @ 14.5% AA) Columbus @ 0 (dry-hop)
2.7 AAU (14g @ 5.4% AA) Cascade @ 0 (dry-hop)

1 Irish Moss tablet @ 15 min

Wyeast 1272 - American Ale II
General Notes:

Used yeast cake from batch #41. Dry hops were added to primary after 31 days of fermentation.
Tasting Notes:

Tating notes taken 10 July 2011, 12 days after kegging. Poured from tap into a tulip glass.

Appearance: hazy golden-orange body with a thick finger of frothy ivory head on top. Head settled down after a couple of minutes, leaving a nice lace on the glass. Overall, pretty decent. (4)

Smell: citrus, pine and floral hop notes atop a pretty solid malt backbone. Quite alluring and nicely complex, but it could use a greater strength of intensity; next time I do something like this I'm going to dry-hop it with more than just 1 oz of hops. (4)

Taste: starts out sweet and malty and finishes dry and biscuity. Hop flavors are, surprisingly, somewhat muted at first, and composed of a floral character with just hints of pine and funk. A dry bitterness builds with each sip. I think it is nicely complex but, once again, I think I need to bump the dry-hopping here. (4)

Mouthfeel: medium body with a decent level of carbonation and creaminess. My carbonation techniques aren't perfect, but they are getting better. I think this beer would benefit, though, from a higher-temperature mash. (4)

Drinkability: this is a nicely drinkable beer. It's not an absolute hop bomb (despite look of the hop bill) and maintains a smoothly complex flavor without being overly muddled or overwhelming. The bitterness is pretty big but it's not off-putting, either. (4)

Overall score 4.0 (B+). I'm very happy with how this beer turned out. I feel like the lesson I am taking away from this batch is to dry hop, dry hop, dry hop, a lot, all the time. I think it gives me a smoother flavor without overly intensifying the bitter qualities of the beer.
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
Columbus 90 22.00 14.5 42 Pellet 87.2 65.3  
Cascade 20 4.00 5.4 21 Pellet 7.9 6.7  
Citra 20 4.00 14.2 8 Whole 6.3 6.7  
Centennial 20 4.00 11.0 10 Whole 6.3 6.7  
Challenger 10 4.00 5.6 20 Pellet 4.7 4.0  
Columbus 10 4.00 14.5 8 Pellet 4.7 4.0  
Cascade 5 4.00 5.4 21 Pellet 2.9 2.2  
Citra 5 4.00 14.2 8 Whole 2.3 2.2  
Centennial 0 4.00 11.0 10 Whole 0.0 0.0 Flame-out.
Challenger 0 4.00 5.6 20 Pellet 0.0 0.0 Flame-out.
Columbus 0 7.25 14.5 14 Pellet 0.0 0.0 Dry-hopped in primary.
Cascade 0 2.70 5.4 14 Pellet 0.0 0.0 Dry-hopped in primary.