Beer Grid - Hops Grid - Style Grid - Yeast Grid - Competition Grid - Hops Inventory

Honey Saison

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:63
Brew Date:23 September 2012
Original Gravity:1.063 (15.44 °Plato)
Final Gravity:1.026 (6.57 °Plato)
Calories per pint:282
Estimated IBU (Rager):60.3
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):46.5
Mash Temperature:149°
Mash Efficiency:85%
Days in Primary:27  
Days in Secondary:0 (kegged on 20 October 2012)
Ferm. Temp. Notes:68-72°
Yeast Used:3724 Belgian Saison
Apparent Attenuation:59%
Real Attenuation:47%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 6 February 2013)
Availability:109 days

8 lb 2-row pale malt
8 oz Crystal 60°

2 lb raspberry honey, added at about 30 minutes

7 AAU (18g @ 11% AA) Galena @ 60
10 AAU (25g @ 11% AA) Galena @ 20
9.3 AAU (18g @ 14.5% AA) Columbus @ 5
3 AAU (15g @ 5.6% AA) Challenger @ 5
5.5 AAU (14g @ 11% AA) Galena @ 5

Whirlfloc tablet @ 15

Wyeast 3724 - Belgian Saison
General Notes:

Ran into the 3724 trap: underattenuation. Kegged with a high FG; after conditioning I may assess the flavor and try to restart fermentation in the keg.
Tasting Notes:

Tasting notes taken 16 January 2013, 88 days after kegging; gave this one lots of time to mature. Dispensed from tap into a tulip.

Appearance: light orange hue with a very light haze and two fingers of creamy ivory foam which leave a thick, robust lacing on the glass. Effervescence seems very light, but overall this is quite a good-looking beer. (4)

Smell: sweet malt aroma, although perhaps a little bit thin. There's a light citrusy, herbal quality which is probably a contribution of the hops. Saison funk is also quite mild, but adds a nice complexity of character. Not perfect, but I like it. (3.75)

Taste: very sweet malty flavor with a definite note of what I fancy is honey. Grassy, alfalfa flavors are also present, along with that light saison funk. Again, this beer is perhaps not my favorite, but I think it's rather successful. (3.75)

Mouthfeel: big body and a big stickiness combine with a well-integrated (if not readily apparent) carbonation to yield a very nice creaminess. I would like to replicate this with further batches, either through underattenuation (as in this batch) or introduction of more unfermentables. The creaminess isn't giant, per se, but it is extremely smooth and silky. (4.25)

Drinkability: a bit too sweet to drink a whole lot of, the low ABV and good flavor of this beer make it drinkable enough for me. I like it. (4)

Overall score 3.88 (B+). I went to a quarter-point rating system starting with this beer, for the hell of it. This brew was unintentionally quite underattenuated due to the nature of the 3724 yeast. So, while it is sweet and sticky, it retains lots of character without being overwhelming. Perhaps I am due to try a 3724/3711 primary/secondary brew sometime in the near future.
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
Galena 60 7.00 11.0 18 Pellet 27.4 19.6  
Galena 20 10.00 11.0 25 Pellet 19.9 16.9  
Columbus 5 9.30 14.5 18 Pellet 6.8 5.2  
Challenger 5 3.00 5.6 15 Pellet 2.2 1.7  
Galena 5 5.50 11.0 14 Pellet 4.0 3.1